Edward II ruled England in the early 14th century. He was the first king since the Norman Conquest of 1066 to be deposed. A portrait of a polarizing king and his unprecedented downfall.
As historians and many of his contemporaries would agree, Edward II, who ruled England at the start of the 14th century, was not a good king. But it has to be said, they weren’t easy times either: from his father, Edward I, he inherited a bloody conflict with the Scots which flared up again and again; and he had to battle with the English barons and their parliaments for real control of power over the land. His preference for the activities of simple folk such as roofing, swimming or rowing was a source of suspicion among his peers, but even more so his relationship with favourite male figures, from whom he took counsel. His opponents accused him of homosexual activity. What’s more, a devastating famine ravaged the country, triggered by catastrophic rains and cruel winters. Finally, his own wife, daughter of the French king, mobilised an army against him and invaded England, ending with the king being forced to abdicate. With the help of historians, we present a portrait of a polarizing king in dramatic times and tell of his demise against a backdrop of scenes of English, Scottish and Welsh landscapes. In addition, elaborate and colourful illustrations help bring Edward’s era back to life.