A hitchhiking trip along Europe's waterways, from the canals of Holland to the Black Sea. A road movie on water, 2500 km of adventure in the middle of Europe!
We accompany Dutch writer Auke Hulst on a hitchhiking tour of Europe's waterways. His destination: the famous port of Odessa on the Black Sea. Auke has travelled the world, but sometimes his own continent is still a mystery to him. He is a European, but what does this actually mean? To find out, he embarks on a journey along the canals of Holland, the inland freight waterways of north Germany, along Poland's picturesque rivers and the Marshes of Belarusand across vast reservoirs in Ukraine. Everywhere, there are high skies and vast expanses of countryside and water. With Auke, we discover different landscapes and towns: the gas fields of his Friesian homeland, the "lost" border between the two German states, a famous airfield in Berlin, Warsaw's rediscovered Waterside, the European border town of Brest, the ghost town of Pripyat near Chernobyl, a square in Kiev and the famous steps overlooking the Black Sea. We are a guest on river barges, pleasure boats and a river fisherman's rowing boat, aboard a police boat, catamaran and historical clipper. This film is a road movie on water, 2500 km of adventure in the middle of Europe!